Open APIs: A nerdy phrase with big meaning for health care

Politico’s Arthur Allen writes about health IT and how third-party apps in electronic health records (EHRs) will help ONC (the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology) implement the 21st Century Cures Act in the face of budget cuts. The law dictates EHR vendors make patient data accessible “without special effort, through the use of application programming interfaces.” APIs allow software to more easily communicate. In the health care world, APIs allow apps like VisualDx to operate within EHRs. VisualDx is mentioned as a third-party app compatible with SMART API.

“As an example [appealing software able to be implemented in the EHR], Cerner executive David McCallie noted that Cerner now offers a product called VisualDx that contains a library of millions of photos to help doctors identify skin lesions. ‘We wouldn’t have had the time or inclination to develop something like that.’ he said.”

Read Allen’s full article here.

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