Pharmacy Student Uses VisualDx to Diagnose Family Member’s Rash

Matthew B., a student at the University of Iowa College of Pharmacy, used VisualDx to diagnose a family member who noticed an itchy rash after working outside in his yard.

“The other day, a family member of mine was doing some yard work around the house. At night, he complained of severe itching on his legs and it was very bothersome. He sent me a few images of the rash and I checked with VisualDx. I suspected it to be poison ivy based on the patient information I was provided. I double checked my assumptions on the application and compared his images with those that were posted on VisualDx. After reaching my conclusion, I recommended appropriate pharmacotherapy for my family member. As of lately, the symptoms have been residing and the rash has been decreasing in size. Thanks to this app, I was able to help my family member!”

*Poison ivy-oak-sumac dermatitis pictured here is not patient in story.

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