Halo scalp ring - Hair and Scalp
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Halo scalp ring is a ring or band of alopecia that is several centimeters in width encircling or more commonly partially encircling the head; it may extend along the posterior occipital area, around the temporal portion of the scalp above the ears or onto the forehead. It is associated with caput succedaneum of the scalp in neonates and believed to be secondary to direct pressure (sometimes with underlying necrosis) on the vertex from the cervix during labor. Generally the hair grows back over 6 months without scarring, but there are reported cases of scarring alopecia.
L65.9 – Nonscarring hair loss, unspecified
205592008 – Congenital localized alopecia
L65.9 – Nonscarring hair loss, unspecified
205592008 – Congenital localized alopecia
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Last Updated:06/28/2010