Search Results
DDx Strength: Good
Lips, Lip scaling, Skin cracks, Retinoid, 13 - 19 year old Female

Edit Findings
Angular cheilitisAngular cheilitis
Irritant contact dermatitisIrritant contact dermatitis
Lip-licking dermatitisLip-licking dermatitis
Exfoliative cheilitis
Acne vulgarisAcne vulgaris
Allergic contact dermatitisAllergic contact dermatitis
Lobular capillary hemangiomaLobular capillary hemangioma
Melkersson-Rosenthal syndromeMelkersson-Rosenthal syndrome
Drug-induced phototoxic reactionDrug-induced phototoxic reaction
Erythema multiformeErythema multiforme
Actinic prurigoActinic prurigo
Secondary syphilisSecondary syphilis
Vitamin B2 deficiencyVitamin B2 deficiency
Orofacial herpes simplex virusOrofacial herpes simplex virus
Perioral dermatitisPerioral dermatitis
Fordyce spotsFordyce spots
Perioral dermatitis of childhoodPerioral dermatitis of childhood
Crohn disease
Drug-induced photosensitive reactionDrug-induced photosensitive reaction
Oral melanotic maculeOral melanotic macule
Oral lichen planusOral lichen planus
Oral mucosal wartOral mucosal wart
Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosisAcute generalized exanthematous pustulosis
Seborrheic dermatitisSeborrheic dermatitis
Stevens-Johnson syndromeStevens-Johnson syndrome
Toxic epidermal necrolysisToxic epidermal necrolysis
Drug-induced pigmentationDrug-induced pigmentation
Allergic contact dermatitis (pediatric)Allergic contact dermatitis (pediatric)
Common wartCommon wart
Peanut allergy
Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasiaHereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia
Chemotherapy-induced mucositisChemotherapy-induced mucositis
Drug-induced oral pigmentationDrug-induced oral pigmentation
Hereditary angioedemaHereditary angioedema
Peutz-Jeghers syndromePeutz-Jeghers syndrome
Cocaine mucosal ulcer
Kawasaki diseaseKawasaki disease
Mucocutaneous leishmaniasisMucocutaneous leishmaniasis
Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children
Pemphigus vulgarisPemphigus vulgaris
Superficial basal cell carcinomaSuperficial basal cell carcinoma
Drug-induced photoallergic reactionDrug-induced photoallergic reaction
Granulomatosis with polyangiitisGranulomatosis with polyangiitis
Animal bite infectionAnimal bite infection
Blue nevusBlue nevus
Epidermoid cystEpidermoid cyst
Food allergy
Inhalant abuse
Minocycline drug-induced pigmentationMinocycline drug-induced pigmentation