Search Results
DDx Strength: Weak
posaconazole, Rash or multiple lesions

Edit Findings
Exanthematous drug eruptionExanthematous drug eruption
Acne vulgarisAcne vulgaris
Drug-induced hepatotoxicity
Pruritus without rashPruritus without rash
Cushing syndromeCushing syndrome
Drug-induced abdominal pain
Drug-induced cough
Drug-induced diarrhea
Drug-induced dyspepsia
Drug-induced nausea or vomiting
Drug-induced syncope
Hordeolum and chalazionHordeolum and chalazion
Acute kidney injury
Drug-induced anorexia
Drug-induced arthralgia
Drug-induced constipation
Drug-induced diaphoresis
Drug-induced dizziness
Drug-induced dyspnea
Drug-induced epistaxis
Drug-induced fatigue
Drug-induced headache
Drug-induced hypertension
Drug-induced hypotension
Drug-induced leukopenia
Drug-induced oral ulcerDrug-induced oral ulcer
Drug-induced somnolence
Drug-induced weight loss
Prolonged QT interval
Drug-induced fever
Drug-induced menstrual changes
Drug-induced paresthesia
Drug-induced weakness
Torsades de pointes
Drug-induced jaundiceDrug-induced jaundice
Drug-induced anemia
Atrial fibrillation
Acute liver failure