Factitious disorders, formerly referred to as Munchausen syndrome, are psychiatric conditions characterized by the self-infliction or misrepresentation of symptoms without an apparent gain or motivation to the affected individual. Clinical presentation can vary widely as patients can appear as injured or ill from any number of diseases, but commonly these patients are high utilizers of the health care system who have symptoms that are not well explained by a known medical condition.
Patients with factitious disorders may have a profound understanding of hospitals, health care systems, and medical language. Reported symptoms are typically severe with vague details about the historical details of their illness or injury.
Many patients will improve during hospital observation but worsen after discharge. Pathological lying and splitting contact between health care providers are common in patients with factitious disorders.
Related topics: facticial dermatitis, factitial panniculitis, factitial ulcer, malingering, medical child abuse, skin popping substance abuse
Factitious disorders
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F68.10 – Factitious disorder imposed on self, unspecified
21586000 – Munchausen's syndrome
F68.10 – Factitious disorder imposed on self, unspecified
21586000 – Munchausen's syndrome
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