Clear cell sarcoma
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A rare malignant neoplasm thought to be a variant of melanoma. It occurs in fascia and tendon sheaths, principally in the lower extremities. It does not typically occur concurrently with a primary skin melanoma. It most commonly manifests as a painless mass. Clear cell sarcoma most commonly occurs in women aged 20-40. It is treated with varying combinations of surgical excision, chemotherapy, and radiation. Clear cell sarcoma frequently recurs and metastasizes.
C49.9 – Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue, unspecified
402561003 – Malignant melanoma of soft tissues
C49.9 – Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue, unspecified
402561003 – Malignant melanoma of soft tissues
Differential Diagnosis & Pitfalls
To perform a comparison, select diagnoses from the classic differential
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Last Updated:04/05/2016