Duane syndrome
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Rare congenital disorder affecting muscles of the eye. A form of strabismus characterized by abnormal innervation of the sixth (abducens) cranial nerve, which causes poor coordination of eye muscles and loss of conjugate gaze in certain positions. Typically affects one eye, but may affect both. Three variations exist. Type 1 is most common; its defining characteristic is poor abduction, or limited ability to move the eye outward. Type 2 is defined by poor adduction, or limited ability to move the eye inward. Type 3 presents with poor abduction and poor adduction. Other findings include narrow palpebral fissure, esotropia, exotropia, ophthalmoplegia, diplopia, and vision loss. May lead to amblyopia.
Treatment is supportive. The majority of cases do not require surgery.
Treatment is supportive. The majority of cases do not require surgery.
H50.811 – Duane's syndrome, right eye
H50.812 – Duane's syndrome, left eye
60318001 – Duane's syndrome
H50.811 – Duane's syndrome, right eye
H50.812 – Duane's syndrome, left eye
60318001 – Duane's syndrome
Differential Diagnosis & Pitfalls
To perform a comparison, select diagnoses from the classic differential
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Last Updated:01/20/2022