Distressed breathing condition in infant, characterized by tachypnea, coarse crackles, and chest retractions following extensive oxygenation therapy. Also referred to as neonatal chronic lung disease, it is more common in premature, low birth weight infants requiring mechanical ventilation for respiratory disorders, especially when overfilling of immature lungs occurs (high tidal volume). Predisposing conditions also include infection (sepsis, candidemia), lung injury, surfactant deficiency, and growth restriction.
Management involves prevention of further lung injury and managing complications. For infants requiring mechanical ventilation, careful attention should be paid to minimizing barotrauma and further lung injury and avoiding excessive oxygen supplementation. Optimizing nutritional status as well as restricting fluids is thought to be helpful. The use of diuretics many improve short-term lung function but has not been shown to improve long-term outcomes. Systemic corticosteroids and bronchodilators are not used on a routine basis but may be useful in selected patients.