Mansonella perstans (also known as Dipetalonema perstans or Acanthocheilonema perstans) causes 1 of 3 forms of human mansonelliasis, along with Mansonella ozzardi and Mansonella streptocerca. Mansonella perstans is transmitted by Culicoides biting midges in Africa and South America.
Mansonella perstans infection occurs when a female midge takes a blood meal from a human, which allows the transfer of filarial larvae to the bite wound. The filarial larvae develop into adults in deep connective tissue and serous cavities, where they produce microfilariae. When a midge takes a blood meal from an infected host, the microfilariae are ingested and develop into larvae in the midge's gastrointestinal tract.
Mansonella perstans is highly prevalent in endemic regions in Africa and South America. Although often considered nonpathogenic with subclinical infections, M perstans can cause various symptoms including fever, arthralgia, fatigue, headache, conjunctival nodules, and abdominal pain. Cutaneous symptoms include pruritus, subcutaneous nodules, urticaria, and angioedema. In severe cases, M perstans can cause serositis, with pericarditis, hepatitis, or encephalitis.
Coinfection with other filarial diseases, especially Wuchereria bancrofti, is common. Treatment of M perstans infection is difficult as most antifilarial agents have limited efficacy. It has been recently discovered that certain strains of M perstans harbor the intracellular bacterial endosymbiont Wolbachia. These strains are effectively eradicated using anti-wolbachial therapy with doxycycline.
Mansonella perstans infection
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420811004 – Infection caused by Mansonella perstans
B74.4 – Mansonelliasis
420811004 – Infection caused by Mansonella perstans
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Last Updated:07/26/2023