Apocrine poroma
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Apocrine poroma is an extremely rare, slow-growing, benign adnexal neoplasm that demonstrates differentiation in the direction of the folliculosebaceous-apocrine unit. The most common cutaneous sites involved are the face and neck, but some cases have been described on the trunk and extremities. Apocrine poroma typically presents as a solitary lesion; multiple lesions have very rarely been reported. It is asymptomatic, although friction can cause discomfort or bleeding.
No familial or genetic component has been identified, and there appears to be no preference for sex or geographic or ethnic population. The cases of apocrine poroma in the literature have been only described in adults over the age of 40; however, due to its rarity, occurrence in children cannot be excluded. No pathogenetic mechanism has been identified.
Apocrine poroma has been referred to by several names including sebocrine adenoma, complex poroma-like adenoma, apocrine adenoma, and poroma with sebaceous differentiation.
No familial or genetic component has been identified, and there appears to be no preference for sex or geographic or ethnic population. The cases of apocrine poroma in the literature have been only described in adults over the age of 40; however, due to its rarity, occurrence in children cannot be excluded. No pathogenetic mechanism has been identified.
Apocrine poroma has been referred to by several names including sebocrine adenoma, complex poroma-like adenoma, apocrine adenoma, and poroma with sebaceous differentiation.
D23.9 – Other benign neoplasm of skin, unspecified
403933005 – Sebaceoma
D23.9 – Other benign neoplasm of skin, unspecified
403933005 – Sebaceoma
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Last Reviewed:06/17/2018
Last Updated:06/17/2018
Last Updated:06/17/2018