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Generalized vaccinia in Adult
Other Resources UpToDate PubMed

Generalized vaccinia in Adult

Contributors: Art Papier MD, Vince Fulginiti MD
Other Resources UpToDate PubMed


Generalized vaccinia is the result of the systemic spread of vaccinia virus from the smallpox vaccination site. Despite the appearance of the lesions, it is a benign complication of smallpox vaccination. Its frequency is not known, but it is believed to be rare. The literature is confusing, as the term "generalized vaccinia" has been used to describe this benign event as well as more serious and even lethal complications of smallpox vaccination (see eczema vaccinatum, accidental inoculation, and progressive vaccinia).

During the last smallpox vaccination era, most of the patients with generalized vaccinia were children, and most were seen and studied at a time when immunologic knowledge was less complete than at present. Therefore, characteristics that enhance susceptibility are not known for certain. It is likely that many of these children had subtle and minor immunologic abnormalities that permitted some extension of virus spread but not morbid or lethal disease.

The mechanisms underlying apparent viremic spread from a primary vaccination site to other parts of the body are not known. Virus is present in the blood, but clinically only the skin appears to be a target for implantation. Subtle minor immunologic abnormalities, particularly of the immunoglobulin B-cell system, are suspected to be present, but such studies were not available at the time this complication was observed.

The fact that recurrent episodes are seen in some individuals lends credence to an immunologic defect. Antibody deficiency is likely because the lesions result from viremia, which is normally controlled by antibodies. Also, each of the lesions, as well as the primary, heals without incident and in normal fashion, suggesting that cell-mediated immunity is intact.

If an individual has a history suggestive of or an established diagnosis of an antibody (B-cell system) immunodeficiency, they should not be vaccinated. Until the precise underlying cause is identified, it is not possible to predict which patients will be affected, and no preventive measures are known.


T88.1XXA – Other complications following immunization, not elsewhere classified, initial encounter

56978007 – Generalized vaccinia

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Last Updated:08/05/2021
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Generalized vaccinia in Adult
A medical illustration showing key findings of Generalized vaccinia : Fever, Patient appears ill, Widespread distribution, Umbilicated vesicles
Clinical image of Generalized vaccinia - imageId=1039733. Click to open in gallery.  caption: 'Numerous large vesicles, many crusted, and some interspersed crusts on the back and buttocks.'
Numerous large vesicles, many crusted, and some interspersed crusts on the back and buttocks.
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