Pulmonic stenosis refers to increased resistance to pulmonary blood flow caused by narrowing within the right ventricular outflow tract, pulmonic valve, or pulmonary artery. Causes include congenital abnormality, rheumatic heart disease, carcinoid disease, and stenosis of prosthetic valves placed for surgical correction of complex congenital disease. More severe cases of congenital disease are typically diagnosed in infancy. Mild cases may remain asymptomatic or be diagnosed later in life due to progressive worsening of the disease. Presenting symptoms may include dyspnea, fatigue, right ventricular failure, and cyanosis. Systolic ejection click and systolic ejection murmur may be heard on examination.
Mild cases may not require treatment. Otherwise, treatment is surgical.
Related topic: peripheral pulmonary artery stenosis
Pulmonic stenosis
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I28.8 – Other diseases of pulmonary vessels
39785005 – Disorder of pulmonary circulation
I28.8 – Other diseases of pulmonary vessels
39785005 – Disorder of pulmonary circulation
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Last Updated:05/30/2023