Erosio interdigitalis blastomycetica
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Erosio interdigitalis blastomycetica (EIB), also known as interdigital candidiasis of the hands and feet, is a candidal infection of the web spaces of the fingers and the toes. The lesions tend to be macerated, round to oval shaped, and may extend onto the sides of the digits. Pustules may also be present.
There is no sex or age predilection for EIB. A Japanese study showed that EIB was the second most common form of cutaneous candidiasis encountered in an outpatient setting, after intertrigo.
Chronic maceration and irritation result in skin breakdown and are major risk factors for colonization and growth of Candida species. Therefore, homemakers, launderers, and dishwashers are particularly susceptible to developing EIB. Other predisposing factors include obesity, diabetes mellitus, and immunosuppression. EIB may sometimes be complicated by infection with gram-negative bacilli.
There is no sex or age predilection for EIB. A Japanese study showed that EIB was the second most common form of cutaneous candidiasis encountered in an outpatient setting, after intertrigo.
Chronic maceration and irritation result in skin breakdown and are major risk factors for colonization and growth of Candida species. Therefore, homemakers, launderers, and dishwashers are particularly susceptible to developing EIB. Other predisposing factors include obesity, diabetes mellitus, and immunosuppression. EIB may sometimes be complicated by infection with gram-negative bacilli.
B37.2 – Candidiasis of skin and nail
240713001 – Candidiasis of finger web
B37.2 – Candidiasis of skin and nail
240713001 – Candidiasis of finger web
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Last Reviewed:06/12/2017
Last Updated:07/17/2017
Last Updated:07/17/2017