Meet the Team: Miguel


What is your job title? Machine Learning Engineer

What does a typical workday look like for you? Some coding, some thinking, some experimenting, some reading, but ultimately a lot of communication. When you study machine learning in school, the problems are often well defined and it’s simply a matter of coming up with a clever algorithm to solve the problem better. The problems often involve teaching a machine to do something a human being knows how to do well. In medicine, the problems are hard even for people, so solving them adequately means listening to experts who know the domain and incorporating that knowledge into a carefully tuned system.

If we toured your home workspace, what might we see? Chaos—I’m currently in the process of moving!

If you could host a dinner party and invite anyone in the world, living or dead, who would you choose? John Winthrop, William Penn, Robert Owen, and Charles Fourier. All of these men tried to build utopias, and they didn’t all entirely fail. “How do we live well in community?” is one of the most important questions on Earth.

What’s a great book you’ve recently read? “Antifragile” by Nassim Nicholas Taleb. It argues that many systems we build to optimize for efficiency are not built to withstand shocks. COVID-19 seems to have borne that out. How can we build an economy that thrives even when hit with a pandemic?

Have you ever completed anything on your “bucket list”? Getting a PhD.

If you could be on a reality TV show, which one would you choose and why? I think I would be too embarrassed to be on a reality TV show for the most part. Maybe “Tidying Up” with Marie Kondo so that I can have a tidier house?

What is in your Netflix queue? Not Netflix, but a steady stream of Disney movies. My 2-year-old daughter loves 101 Dalmatians!

What is your favorite way to unwind? Reading: philosophy, economics, history, theology. I’m a nerd, and I’d love to get a degree in everything. Books are a lot cheaper though, and almost as good!

What’s something you want to do in the next year that you’ve never done before? Plant a vegetable garden.

VisualDx wouldn’t be possible without a talented and committed team of people working behind the scenes. This is our way of introducing and celebrating the unique people behind VisualDx.

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