Frequently Asked Questions
Can my institution buy DermExpert?
Yes, we can provide institutional licensing for DermExpert. Please contact sales for more information.
permalinkWhat devices does DermExpert support?
VisualDx Plus DermExpert is available on both iOS and Android devices. You must have:
- iOS mobile devices using 11.2 or later
- Android mobile devices using 6 (Marshmallow) or later
Does DermExpert use my patient’s images for further machine learning?
No. The images never get sent back to VisualDx and are not saved on your mobile device. We improve our proprietary machine learning algorithm using the VisualDx image collection, or with publicly available images.
permalinkIs DermExpert HIPAA compliant?
Yes. VisualDx and DermExpert do not collect any information that can be tied back to a specific patient. We also do not transmit or store any images from the mobile device.
permalinkHow does DermExpert’s technology work?
DermExpert’s Lesion Model analyzes the image against a set of approximately 80 lesion types and returns a score for each lesion indicating the model’s confidence that the image is a match. The top 3 matches are shown to the user, who must then select a lesion type to continue. The selected lesion is then added to the workup as a finding, and the user continues through the workflow and answers questions about the lesion(s) and/or other symptoms to review results.
After the image is analyzed, it is deleted from the user’s device.
permalinkHow do I use DermExpert?
1. Select the camera or icon in the search bar to start. (Apple homepage shown on the left; Android homepage shown on the right.)
2. Take a photo of the patient’s skin lesion.
3. DermExpert will analyze the photo.
4. Confirm or edit the lesion type that DermExpert suggests.
5. Answer a few questions.
6. See the results.
7. View clinical information and images.
Can I buy just DermExpert?
DermExpert is an add-on product that works in conjunction with VisualDx Complete. A user must have access to a VisualDx Complete license in order to purchase DermExpert.
permalinkHow do I purchase DermExpert?
You must have access to a current VisualDx subscription to enable the add-on feature. To purchase VisualDx, visit our pricing page for available options.
permalinkTypes of Subscribers
What type of subscriber am I?
If you can access VisualDx from your place of employment without entering a username or password, then you are an Institutional Subscriber. Refer to the Institutional Subscriber FAQ section of this page.
If you typically access VisualDx from your place of employment but have created a personal account for CME certification and mobile access, you have a Personal Account with an Institutional license. Refer to the Institutional Subscriber FAQ section of this page unless directed otherwise.
If you purchased VisualDx or received a product key from a third party, then you are an Individual Subscriber. Refer to the Individual Subscriber FAQ section of this page.
permalinkHow many doctors use VisualDx?
The exact number of healthcare professionals, including NPs, PAs, and MDs, that use VisualDx increases all the time. We are currently in use at over 50% of U.S. academic medical centers and more than 1,600 hospitals and institutions worldwide.
permalinkBrowser Support
Why can’t I see the new version of VisualDx?
Browser requirements
VisualDx is a web-based application that runs in any modern browser. All network traffic is encrypted via HTTPS on port 433. Browsers must have an active internet connection and have session cookies and JavaScript enabled.
Supported | Recommended | |
Supported Browsers: (Current version unless otherwise noted) |
Internet Explorer 9+, Microsoft Edge, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari | Internet Explorer 11+, Microsoft Edge, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari |
Performance will vary with system hardware. |
VisualDx Access
Why am I seeing a banner at the bottom of my screen and unable to get to all of the VisualDx content?
- VisualDx now has the option for limited content to be accessed by the public. If you have an individual subscription, click on “Subscriber Sign In” in the upper right corner and enter in your credentials to access the full content.
- If you are at an institution that has access to VisualDx and are still seeing the public option, ensure you are on your institution’s network and try clicking on VisualDx again. If that does not resolve the issue, contact
Citing VisualDx
How do I cite a VisualDx topic?
Cite the VisualDx topic as a chapter in an electronic book titled VisualDx with editor Lowell A. Goldsmith. There are no page numbers and publication year should be the current year.
Papier A, Craft N, Tharp MD, Shear N. Cocaine Levamisole Toxicity. In: Goldsmith LA, ed. VisualDx. Rochester, NY: VisualDx; 2016. URL: Accessed January 1, 2016.
permalinkImages and Image Use
Can I use images from VisualDx?
We provide limited access for educational and non-commercial settings. Please refer to our image use policy.
permalinkWhere do the photos in VisualDx come from?
The VisualDx image collection has been carefully curated from an international community of medical experts. Notable collections from many individuals and institutions have become part of the broader VisualDx image collection. The majority of images in the collection have been professionally scanned from 35mm color transparencies (slides). Contributors retain their image rights and are given access to a library of their scanned images. If you are interested in becoming a contributor or learning more about our image collection, contact our image collection manager.
permalinkIndividual Subscriber
How do I claim CME credits?
Click here for full instructions on claiming CME credits.
permalinkWhen can I claim CME credits?
CME is included with all individual accounts.*
CME is accrued through the general use of the VisualDx product such as searching diagnoses or drug eruptions or building a differential.
You must have an active VisualDx subscription to claim and generate a CME certificate. VisualDx will store the CME credits associated with your account indefinitely.
If you are a physician insured by Coverys, read the Program Overview or contact Coverys to learn how to take advantage of the VisualDx CME malpractice insurance discount program.
*This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the ACCME through the joint providership of Med-IQ and VisualDx.Med-IQ is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians. Med-IQ designates this point of care activity for a maximum of 0.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits.TM Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
permalinkWhen I try to log in, I get an error message
Your subscription may have expired. Log in to your account to manage an individual subscription or contact us for help.
permalinkHow do I change my password?
- Sign in to VisualDx using your username and current password.
- Click on your user name in the top right corner and choose “Change Password”.
- Follow the steps to change your password.
I forgot my username and/or password
What is my username? – Your username is the e-mail address that you used when you signed up for a VisualDx account.
I forgot my password. – Enter your e-mail address here, and we will send you a new password. You may then log in and change your password if desired.
permalinkHow do I get VisualDx Mobile for my iPhone, iPad, or Android device?
Download the free VisualDx Mobile app on your mobile device from the iTunes Store or Google Play.
Launch the VisualDx app from your device and sign in using your current VisualDx username and password.
permalinkInstitutional Subscriber
How do I claim CME credits?
Click here for full instructions on claiming CME credits.
permalinkWhen can I claim CME credits?
CME is included with all individual accounts.* As part of an institutional license, you can create a personal account to accrue and claim CME credits.
CME is accrued through the general use of the VisualDx product such as searching diagnoses or drug eruptions or building a differential.
You must have an active VisualDx subscription to claim and generate a CME certificate. VisualDx will store the CME credits associated with your account indefinitely.
If you are a physician insured by Coverys, read the Program Overview or contact Coverys to learn how to take advantage of the VisualDx CME malpractice insurance discount program.
*This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the ACCME through the joint providership of Med-IQ and VisualDx. Med-IQ is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians. Med-IQ designates this point of care activity for a maximum of 0.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits.TM Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
permalinkWhen I try to log in, I get an error message
Contact your IT department or contact us for help.
NOTE: If you are an institutional subscriber trying to access VisualDx Mobile, you must first set up a mobile account.
permalinkHow do I change my password?
As an institutional user, you do not have this option.
If you have created a personal account under your institution’s license, see how to change your password under the Individual Subscriber FAQs
permalinkI forgot my username and/or password
If you are an institutional subscriber, you may not need a username and password. Contact your IT department or contact us for help.
If you have created a personal account under your institution’s license, see forgot my password under the Individual Subscriber FAQs
permalinkHow do I get VisualDx Mobile for my iPhone, iPad, or Android device?
1. From an IP-authenticated clinical computer, go to
2. Click Get the Mobile App and fill out the information to create a personal login account. (Tip: Complete this step before downloading the app)
3. Search VisualDx in either the iTunes Store or Google Play. Download and enter the username and password you created in Step #2. Congratulations, you’re ready to go!
Download instructions in PDF format.
permalinkHow do I create a personal account?
To create a personal account using your Institution’s license, launch VisualDx at your institution and click “CME Certification.”
Click “Create a Personal VisualDx Account” and fill out the form as instructed.
The VisualDx Start Page
How is selecting a problem area different than starting a differential through the search box?
The “select a problem area” option is a way for users, particularly users of our previous version, to quickly build a differential from common problem areas. It is not comprehensive of the breadth of VisualDx but instead serves as shortcuts for areas that have been requested by our users.
The search box allows you to access the full set of findings and diagnoses we have available while “select a problem area” represents a subset of commonly searched chief complaints. You can build the same differential through the search box that can be accessed through “select a problem area.”
permalinkHow do I get started?
To get started, type a symptom, medication, country, or diagnosis in the search box.
You can also click “select a problem area” to choose from particular pre-coordinated scenarios to build a differential without typing.
Using the Differential Builder
What does making a finding required do and how does it affect my differential?
A required finding has two purposes in VisualDx:
- It determines the workup questions, and
- It limits differential results to only the diagnoses that contain the finding.
- For example, if Fever and Rash are required (green) and Headache is optional (gray), the diagnoses you see in a differential will be required to have Fever and Rash, but may not contain Headache. However, any diagnoses that also have Headache will be ranked higher in the results than diagnoses that do not. Optional findings do not remove diagnoses from your differential.
At least one finding must be designated “required” to build a differential.
permalinkWhat does the DDx Strength indicate?
DDx Strength accounts for relevance of findings entered with respect to the diagnoses returned.
If you enter findings that were contradictory or unrelated to each other or enter generic findings that apply to many diagnoses, such as malaise, the differential strength will be poor. A high DDx Strength indicates that the findings you entered differentiate a handful of diagnoses from the ~3000 available and the set of findings entered seem highly correlated, such as your top match level is 5 out of 5 versus 3 out of 5 findings.
permalinkI’m looking for a certain question in the Workup section that I saw the last time I built a differential but now it’s not there. Why?
VisualDx medical staff work across specialties to develop the questions provided in every work-up. That means that depending on the required finding you enter, you may see different questions based on what is relevant for that finding. If you want to enter particular findings, you can use the Additional Findings typeahead.
Differential Results
Why are my results truncated?
To improve performance of VisualDx, results are truncated to 150 diagnoses.
permalinkWhy does “Filter” appear some times but not others?
The purpose of Filter in VisualDx is to filter out diagnoses that may not make sense for your patient. Therefore, Filter only appears when your differential results contain diagnoses that can be filtered out. This includes diagnoses that contain Chem/Bio/Rad/Nuclear Exposure, Travel, Medication Reaction, Bites & Stings, and Marine Exposure.
NOTE: If you enter a finding directly that falls into one of these categories, that category will not appear in the filter options. For example, if you enter in “Ghana” as a finding, Travel will not be selectable in the Filter options. To remove this finding, go back to the differential builder and edit the findings.
permalinkPlan Facts
What is the difference between an individual subscription and an institutional account?
An individual account is purchased by a single healthcare professional for their use at the point of care. Pricing for individual subscriptions is listed above and they can be purchased through this website, in the App Store, or Google Play.
Institutional accounts are purchased by hospitals, academic institutions, health clinics, or group practices. Institutions offer accounts to clinicians as a resource, often integrated with the EHR/ EMR and other resources like UpToDate. If you are interested in purchasing VisualDx for your institution, please contact us for pricing.
permalinkDoes my institution already have an account?
VisualDx is often provided as a resource to clinicians through either the medical library or the IT department. If you cannot locate information about VisualDx at your institution, feel free to contact us to find out if your institution has an account.
permalinkWhat is DermExpert?
DermExpert is an add-on feature to VisualDx that helps non-dermatologists better understand, identify, and treat skin conditions. The feature lets clinicians take a picture of the patient’s skin condition. Using artificial intelligence and machine learning, the application analyzes the lesion type, then provides simple questions to quickly get to a differential diagnosis.
permalinkCan I purchase DermExpert as an individual if I access VisualDx through my hospital or institution?
Yes. Individuals can purchase the DermExpert add-on even if their subscription is through an institution.
permalinkCan I add DermExpert at a later time?
Individuals can purchase the DermExpert add-on even if your subscription is through an institution.
permalinkWhich plan gives me access to the image collection library and clinical content?
Access to the VisualDx image library and clinical content is included with all plans.
permalinkDoes this integrate with the electronic health record (EHR)?
Yes. VisualDx (Enterprise) supports the SMART® on FHIR® and HL7 Infobutton standards, with a focus on visualizing the problem and medication lists. EHR integration is not available for individuals or small groups. If you would like an EHR integration please contact us.
permalinkCan I use VisualDx or DermExpert without an iOS or Android device?
You must have either an iOS or Android device to use the VisualDx mobile app or the DermExpert feature. Users can still log in to VisualDx via the web.
permalinkAre there limitations to how many devices I can use with my plan?
A user with a single license of VisualDx may use the product on 2 mobile devices. Users can also still log in via the web.
permalinkTrial Facts
My hospital or institution has a subscription. Do I need to purchase an additional subscription to use the mobile app?
No. All VisualDx subscriptions include access via mobile app at no extra charge. Visit our mobile app page to learn how to obtain an individual mobile access account via your institution and download the VisualDx Mobile app. If you already have an individual subscription, you may use your existing login information.
permalinkWhat type of CME is included with VisualDx?
All individual VisualDx subscribers can accrue AMA PRA Category 1 CME credits by using VisualDx. Read more about it on our CME page.
This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the ACCME through the joint providership of Med-IQ and VisualDx. Med-IQ is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians. Med-IQ designates this point of care activity for a maximum of 0.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits.TM Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
permalinkWhat happened to the Essentials package?
We no longer offer the essentials package because our tool can no longer segment the modules. The expanded product works across general medicine and many areas interact based on the premise you can build a differential beginning with a chief complaint.
permalinkHow do I cancel my trial subscription?
If at any time during the trial you decide to cancel your subscription, simply go to, sign in using My Account, and select “cancel subscription” to cancel without being charged. You may also cancel your subscription at any time after the initial trial period.