"VisualDx has helped me identify rashes on my patients with different skin tones. As a PCP this helps me treat patients without having to send them to dermatology which often has a long wait time."
Health systems are leaking patients to other systems because dermatologist referral wait times are impractical and unrealistic.
Unnecessary dermatology referrals and hospital admissions are creating a negative experience for patients and wasting valuable operational resources.
VisualDx Solutions
Experience it Live
The Impact of Our Suite of Solutions
Cultural Competence
VisualDx is the only resource to have 1/3 of its images representing people of color.
Better Referrals
Give your clinicians the confidence to make more informed decisions to help minimize inappropriate referrals
Maximized APPs
Empower your advanced practice providers with the technology needed to provide clinical excellence
Retained Patients
Mitigate patient leakage by enhancing communication and patient engagement
Better Medical Decisions
Provide physicians with clinical decision support at the point of are to minimize healthcare risk
See What Some of our Amazing Partners are Accomplishing With VisualDx
Ready to End the Waiting Game?
Contact us to learn more about how VisualDx can improve your operational efficiency