Empower clinicians with the tools for diagnosis they need to make informed and efficient clinical decisions.

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Those pictures are just phenomenal. You can just see the sense of satisfaction and understanding from the patient.

-Dr. Dlova, Nelson R. Mandela School of Medicine

Your Digital Front Door

Bridging the patient–provider experience.


screenshot of VisualDx symptom diagnosis tool

VisualDx in Your EHR

The VisualDx differential diagnosis tool pulls the patient’s age, sex, medications, and problem list so you can quickly access drug reactions, differential support, images, and clinical content right inside the electronic health record. Interoperable with Epic, Cerner, eClinicalWorks, and MEDENT.

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real Story

Clinicians Finds Answers Virtually With Help From Image Collection

Following the pandemic, many of our patients in the outpatient clinic have grown wary of coming to see us in person, and instead elect for televisits.

One such patient presented with multiple nummular, hypopigmented lesions on her face that were causing her great distress and discomfort. After obtaining her history, we performed a physical as well as possible in absentia, but it was highly unlikely the patient would have a Woods lamp at home, or be able to describe the anatomy of the lesions in a way that would be meaningful to us in the office.

Using VisualDx and its phenomenal medical image database, we were able to compare and accurately diagnose the patient in a way that would have been virtually impossible otherwise.

More than 2,300 hospitals and healthcare institutions rely on VisualDx to improve medical decision-making, reduce unnecessary referrals and admissions, and engage patients in their treatment and care.

Let’s Chat

Contact us for a demo to see how your hospital or health system can reduce risk in exchange for higher satisfaction and quality scores with VisualDx.

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