Resident Uses Image Collection to Help Diagnose Patient with Cyst

Ann D., a resident at SUNY Downstate shares how the VisualDx Image Collection helped her make the right diagnosis:

A 6-year-old girl presents to clinic with a skin-colored lesion along her orbital ridge for many years. Using VisualDx, I was able to recognize that it is more likely to be a dermoid cyst than an epidermal inclusion cyst, as there were many example photos showing a lesion in that exact area.

What is a cutaneous dermoid cyst?

A cutaneous dermoid cyst results from an alteration in fetal development at the lines of cleavage and is postulated to result from entrapped ectodermal cells during embryonic development. The cyst contains a keratinizing epithelial lining, sebaceous glands, eccrine glands, and sometimes lanugo hair. Dermoid cysts may be cutaneous or deeper. Cutaneous dermoid cysts are typically seen at birth or noticed shortly thereafter. They are typically found on the head. They may have intracranial connections; thus, biopsy and removal should be done by an appropriate surgeon to avoid neurological complications, such as central nervous system (CNS) infection that could lead to frontal lobe abscess, meningoencephalitis, or seizures.

What should we be aware of when making a diagnosis?

The most common location for cutaneous dermoid cysts is the lateral eyebrow along the orbital rim.

How can we treat this?

Excision is curative and is recommended to prevent complications such as infection.

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