Medical Student Uses Diagnostic Pearls to Confirm Diagnosis

Rita N., a student at SUNY Downstate Medical Center, uses VisualDx Diagnostic Pearls to confirm diagnosis.

“My patient was a 65-year-old undomiciled man with rash on back for unknown time period. As a student in a busy ED setting, I was able to use VisualDx to narrow differential to terra firme-forme and use alcohol pads to confirm.”

What is terra firme forme dermatosis?

Terra firma-forme dermatosis is a skin condition that resembles brown, dirt-like plaques. They may appear anywhere on the body but is most common on the neck and trunk. The skin discoloration cannot be removed with soap and water.

What should we be aware of when making a diagnosis?

The brown or dirtlike discoloration of the skin is readily removed with swabbing with isopropyl alcohol pads.

How can we treat this?

70% isopropyl alcohol pads scrubbed over the affected area until the brown pigmentation is removed.

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