Student Uses VisualDx to Make Critical Diagnosis Despite Atypical Presentation

Anita K., a fourth-year medical student at Henry Ford Hospital, shares how VisualDx helped her diagnose a patient with atypical COVID-19 symptoms.

“I had a 68-year-old Caucasian female who presented to the ED with diarrhea for 2 weeks’ duration, nausea, diffuse abdominal pain, dizziness, rhinorrhea, and congestion. She stated she got dizzy and fell on her kitchen floor but denied LOC. She denied recent travel, sick contacts, and any contact with COVID-19-positive persons. Patient was screened for COVID-19 and tested positive. She denied fever, cough, and chest pain. Her CXR was unremarkable. Patient was breathing room air. Her O2 levels were between 96%-98%.

I used Visual Dx application on my phone; I selected COVID-19 under “Diagnosis” and followed the CDC and interim guidance. I read through the Synopsis, Look For, Diagnostic Pearls, Best Tests, Management, and Therapy, which all aided me in developing my differential diagnosis and treatment. This is a novel virus, and VisualDx helped me tremendously with my patient–especially since she didn’t present with the classical signs and symptoms.”


For public health information on COVID-19, click here.

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