CHOP Pediatrician Uses VisualDx To Investigate Toddler’s Worsening Rash

Sonia S., a pediatrician at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, shares about a time when she used VisualDx to help identify her patient’s rash.

“19 mos old male was seen at the office with small papular rash initially appeared like viral rash. Then 1 week later, the rash spread and was looking more like mosquito bites. Used Motrin for questionable low grade fever and then he came back with hives. I used VisualDx to build a differential and turned out he has urticaria worse due to use of Motrin. I am thankful to VisualDx to help narrow differential and help with management. I used ranitidine, hydroxyzine, and Zyrtec and he got better in 48 hrs.”

*Urticaria pictured here is not patient in story. See more pictures of urticaria in VisualDx.

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